So you’ve put in the time to create some valuable content for your customers or fans and you’re ready to share it with the world. Congratulations, because creating sharable content is important when trying to establish your brand online. But don’t click that “Post” button just yet.

There’s a lot of research out there that shows that when you post something can be just as important as what you post. QuickSprout did the research and put together an infographic. We wanted to share some tips for you on when to share your stuff on each of the major social media platforms.


Sure, people are on Facebook seemingly all day, but that doesn’t mean they’re always engaging with brands. The key is that people are more likely to engage on Facebook when they’re bored at work, which means Thursday and Friday see big boosts in interaction when the weekend is within sight. Right after lunch is the best time to gather some shares, while folks are more likely to read an article closer to quitting time.


This popular microblogging site has a lot of variables. For B2B companies, you’ll see increases in CTR (Click-Through Rates) and retweets during the business day, while B2C companies will get more love at lunch time and during the commute to/from work. Many people love skimming Twitter for news and interesting posts when they’re stuck on the train or enjoying their lunch break, so plan your content accordingly.


This networking site has become a major hub for articles that are specific to industry news. That’s why the best time of day to post is during the middle of the week during business hours. It seems many people in offices start or end their day with pertinent articles on LinkedIn, so if you’ve got something to say, share it on a Tuesday morning.


If you’ve got photos or videos to share with your community, then this site is the place to be. It’s heavily trafficked all day and night, but off work hours seem to be when interaction is at its highest. Many businesses are still posting during the work day so if you want your photos to be at the top of the feed when more people are on Instagram, save it for dinner time.

Of course, rules are made to be broken so don’t follow these too strictly. Like in the real world, it’s always good to mix it up on social media sites. If you’re in need of a little help on the social media front, feel free to give PCG a call today. We’ll get people talking.