“What’s in a name?” The eternal question posed by Juliet in Shakespeare’s famous play is something that writers and marketers still ponder to this day. The truth is that when it comes to headlines, a whole lot rides on it. A good, engaging headline will entice the reader with the promise of valuable information, which encourages them to read on (delivering on that promise through content is a topic for another day). A plain or confusing headline will be skimmed over, and you’ll have missed a valuable opportunity to interact with a potential customer.

So how do you write a great headline? It helps to remember that like with any other statement, the goal is to get the reader to continue onto the next sentence. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Appeal to An Emotion

People read blogs for all kinds of reasons, but you only have a limited amount of time to get their attention online with the myriad of options that they’re offered on the Internet at any given time. That’s why you should try to strike a chord with them on an emotional level with how you write a blog post. Shoppers often make decisions on cars based on a feeling, whether it’s a sense of security or a statement of power. Everyone has something they care about, so don’t be afraid to focus on those sentiments:

  • 5 Ways the Chrysler Pacifica Can Keep Your Family Safe
  • How Buying a Jeep Can Change Your Weekends Forever
  • Why Choosing an Electric Vehicle Can Help Reduce Your Impact on the Earth

How To & Lists

That list of sample blog titles above leads right into another great point. People read content online to be educated. People want concrete information when they search something online, so by promising them you’re going to show them how to do something or by providing a list with a set number of steps, you will encourage them to click to find out what the answer is. Just make sure you deliver on the promise of your headline if you want them to stay on your site. Lead with numbers, how-tos, or “why” questions if you want to speak directly to things people are looking to learn more about.

Make It Keyword Friendly

The only way your content is going to show up in the search results of your target market is if you do some keyword research and make sure you work them into your blog title or subheadings. Google pays serious attention to titles, which is another reason that you should too. If you’re writing about the safety features of a specific vehicle, make sure the name of the vehicle and the term “safety features” both appear in the headline. That way, people who searched that term will be confident that your post has the answers they’re looking for.

If you are looking for help reaching potential customers with unique, fresh content, then it’s time you reached out to PCG Companies.