With 2018 rapidly approaching, you may be thinking about ways to improve certain aspects of business in the new year. Here are four resolutions you should consider keeping come January to help make it your most efficient and profitable year yet:
Take a Hard Look at Your Team.
Now, I’m not saying start fresh with new employees; I’m saying take a hard look into what your strengths and weaknesses are for each member of your team. Everyone is different, and if you are not taking that into consideration and providing appropriate training, chances are your team is not as strong as it could be. Customer service and other client-facing roles are a huge part in a successful business and if your team is not performing as strongly as you know they could, your customers could be turning you away.
Create a 6-12 Month Marketing Plan.
Just because your customers are not thinking about Father’s Day or Memorial Day yet, does not mean you shouldn’t be. Knowing what promotions and goals you want to have for the rest of the year is a great idea for budgeting, as well as letting your marketing company or team know so they can plan on their end. Nothing is worse than wanting to start a paid or social ad a week prior to an event, as you will simply throw away money and your team’s time.
Make It a Point to Read Articles Pertaining to Other Industries, Often.
I personally find it uplifting to see how creatives in other industries find inspiration and marketing techniques for their businesses. It sometimes takes a fresh eye and a new outlook to get ahead of the game. If you are a car dealer, take a look at how a gym or restaurant markets their brand. This can broaden your thought process on how you can market your cars through specials, or even just a generalized business concept. Investing time in research can also open your mind to a possible new branding campaign that is long overdue.
Look Into Ways to Advance Your Social Media Presence.
Social Media presence is crucial in this day in age. Everywhere you look there are commercials and flyers stating, “Like Us on Facebook” and “Use Our Hashtag.” This is important to reiterate because if someone is interested in a product, they will most likely follow you on social media to get a feel for your brand, your customer interactions, and to find that one product they have been searching for. Organically posting on Facebook and Instagram (in addition to advertising on these platforms) are important aspects for a company and can increase the likelihood of current customers sharing your content to future customers and so on. This year, make a plan to post content that is relevant to your brand at least three times per week.
By keeping these four New Years resolutions, you’ll increase efficiency, visibility, and be better prepared for all of your marketing initiatives in 2018. Looking to improve your digital marketing strategy as well? Learn more about our full digital audit!