When you visit a website that you found through a Google search, you are probably hoping that the information displayed either answers your question, or delivers the information you were searching for. Sometimes, however, you will find that the web page you landed on does not have the appropriate content—which can really leave a negative impression and make you hesitant to return to that website in the future. 

It is important to remember that in order to deliver a high-quality experience to your visitors, your website should contain relevant content, images, and proper internal linking to ensure they are getting the information they are seeking.

Here are three questions to ask to help ensure your website is delivering the best quality to visitors: 

Is the content relevant?

One of the foremost quality factors on a website is content. Take a moment and ask yourself, “Is the content I’m displaying relevant to my brand, business, or products that I am selling?” Let’s say you are an online retailer that sells restaurant equipment, but the content on your website reads like you operate as an Italian restaurant. This would be a prime example of content that is irrelevant, which could get visitors to land on your site only to realize that the information is not what they were looking for. In the long run, this could hurt your site in search. 

Are there images and videos?

When you are in the market to buy something, do you prefer to see a picture of the item or just buy it from a description? A majority of consumers will tell you they must see an image or video of a product before purchasing. If your site does not contain images or videos of what you are selling, or what you are providing content about, a visitor is more likely to continue their search on another website. Today’s shoppers are big on visualization, so it is important to make photos and videos an essential part of your website. One more tip: if you do have images and videos on your website, remember to properly optimize them for the benefit of your website in search results. 

Are there internal links?

In addition to actually having relevant content, linking internally to additional pages on your site that are relevant to that content is important to the overall quality of your website. Then, when you do place anchor text in your content, you want to remember that it should link to the appropriate page of what you are writing about. If your page is about the interior features of a brand new 2019 vehicle, and the reader clicks on the link that brings them to a service page, they will not be happy. This kind of linking diminishes user experience, so be sure to link to appropriate pages to strengthen your internal linking strategy.

Having a high-quality website does not have to be a daunting task. Just keep your visitors in mind as you make updates to your content, as delivering them with a great experience is the most important thing to keep them coming back for more. Remember to display relevant content to your business, include an assortment of optimized images and videos, and link internally to ensure your website continues to be relevant in search. 

Need assistance looking at your website? Learn about our digital audit. 

About the Author

Michele Kowalski is an outgoing, driven individual, as well as a fitness fanatic, who loves going on runs and working out. She enjoys spending time at the beach with her husband, family and friends!