Living in a digital age, you are constantly presented with an abundance of advertisements on a daily basis. However, the percentage of those ads that you may choose to engage with is a fraction of that number.  Because of that statistic, the quality of your advertising content is that much more important. When creating an ad campaign, it is especially critical to focus on what you know about your customers, and be specific, up-to-date, and relatable.

Let’s dig a little further into that.  Back when I had hair, I was in the market for a new barber shop.  So, as I was browsing Facebook one day, I came across a simple ad. It just had a nice crisp picture of a barber chair that said “$10 Dollar Hair Cuts.”  So, I said to myself, “Self, you’re only getting the most basic of haircuts, why not give it a try?” So, I did, and I loved it. Luckily for me, Mother Nature took care of that whole “having hair” problem a few years later.  But my point is, that this particular business had a targeted audience, and created really sharp looking visual, and simple content that catered to them, (and it paid off).

That scenario got me thinking about what made that ad catch my eye, and how you, too, can effectively capture your target audience’s attention.

5 Tips for Brainstorming and Creating Ad Campaign Ideas: 

  1. Create specific ad groups for single products or servicesCreating relevant content for an audience will make your customers feel more engaged.
  2. Include keywords that relate to the topic of your ad campaigns. It is more beneficial to use a group of words rather than a single word when using keywords.
  3. Use keywords in your text to show people that your ad is directly related to what they are searching for. When someone sees their search term in the results, it will clearly show them that your ad is what they are looking for.
  4. Use simple and enticing ads with great call to actions. Having a good call-to-action urges users to click on your ad and gives them an idea of what can be accomplished once they reach the landing page
  5. Be sure to test out multiple campaigns to see which ones work better. Do your research on what you think will work.  Whether that be creating a buyer’s persona, or just general knowledge, it is important to test out multiple efforts.  When something doesn’t work, change what doesn’t work to the things that you know work!

I hope you learned a few new ways to create successful ad campaigns. If you ever need any assistance, feel free to contact us here at PCG Companies! 

About the Author

Mike is an easy going, fun loving individual who doesn't like to take life too seriously. If he's not at the gym, or watching a sporting event, you can find him checking out the best breweries New Jersey has to offer.